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samedi 23 janvier 2021


Q: WILL 5G BE BETTER THAN FIBRE? While the 5G network brings with it many benefits – particularly high speed – it will take some time before it can rival the existing fibre networks. Fibre will remain the predominant form of communication for the majority of businesses, but 5G will play an important role in the Internet of Things. Q: WHAT IS FASTER THAN FIBRE OPTIC? A: No wireless technology is faster than delivered connectivity, although wireless technology does require less infrastructure. 5G technology is also affected by weather and environmental issues, where fibre optic connections are not. Q: WHAT ARE SOME OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN 4G AND 5G? A: There are several differences between 4G and 5G, namely: 5G is a unified platform and more capable than 4G 5G uses spectrum better than 4G 5G is faster than 4G 5G has more capacity than 4G 5G has lower latency than 4G

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